Things you didn’t know about white holes

Most of us have heard of black holes, and we may even have a little knowledge about what they are, but, what of white holes? These can be even trickier to understand than black holes. Simply put, in scientific terms, a white hole works in the opposite way to a black hole. Where a black hole sucks matter into an event horizon, a white hole actually pours out all matter that was sucked into the black hole. But, it’s worth noting that white holes are only hypothetical within general relativity. That being said, they play an important role in the way we view spacetime. Here are some amazing things you never knew about white holes.

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Things you didn’t know about white holes

They work the reverse of a black hole

Think of it in the sense that a black hole is a place you can enter, but never escape from. Whereas a white hole is a place you can leave and never go back to. To this end, white holes basically have one passageway where entry is impossible. While we have a great deal of evidence to substantiate the existence of black holes, there is very little to prove the existence of white holes. In fact, as a rule, they are generally thought of as being unrealistic but are often hypothesized about.

The are born from black holes

Black holes are thought to be created when stars are destroyed in an explosion known as a supernova. However, it is believed that white holes would be formed by black holes becoming white holes, once they reach their end. This is thought to come about by way of what’s called a cosmic bounce. When a star is collapsing under its own gravity, it gets to a stage where it can’t shrink any further. This is where the bounce occurs, and the star experiences outward pressure transforming it into a white hole, of course, this is just a theory.

They could have caused the Big Bang

Most of us are familiar with the Big Bang Theory that the Earth was created in a cosmic explosion, and evolution took us up to the point we are now. However, there is substation evidence to suggest that a white hole could have been responsible for the Big Bang occurring! It would certainly be a good way of explaining how all the energy and matter suddenly appeared and ejected all of the matter that had been swallowed by a black hole. This is a theory that is explored in detail in a scientific paper penned by Jose Edgar Madriz Aguilar, Claudia Moreno, and Mauricio Bellini in 2013 – it’s well worth a read.

Things you didn’t know about white holes

White holes are a curious concept in science and play a big role in the way we view black holes and spacetime. You can see from the above points that there are plenty of reasons to suspect white holes may actually exist. In fact, there was a discovery made around 10 years ago that was suspected to be evidence of a white hole, but it was never proven. That being said, the theory of white holes will continue, and we may even reach a point at which we discover the existence of white holes.

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