Glaring mistakes films got wrong about science

Science – we love the word! It’s the thing that keeps the world turning, and gives us the chance to learn all about the planet and every creature that lives here. As if they weren’t enough already, science also provides us with an answer to all the “whys” we have asked over the years. It couldn’t be better! That’s why we can get so upset when someone gets it mixed up. Hollywood should know better, but there are still some glaring mistakes films got wrong about science that left us less than impressed.

Ice will expand

When water freezes, it expands. That’s why our ice cube trays can overflow, or those cans of drink can pop open if we forget they are in there to cool down. So when the Day After Tomorrow movie emerged with all our heroes waiting in a library, how come they weren’t crushed during the big freeze? If science had a say in the film, the building, and the rest of Manhattan, should have been smooshed underneath the expansion of it all. But that couldn’t happen to the heroes, right?

Glaring mistakes films got wrong about science

Earthquake cracks don’t have enemies

Have you been watching a film such as 10.5 and been screaming at people to get out of the way of the earthquake crack heading their way? They might only have seconds before they fall in and are lost forever! However, if this were real life, earthquake cracks wouldn’t be so choosey. In fact, the ground wouldn’t tremble and shake as it does in the movies as there is no friction to cause any movement. So if you’re in the way of the crack, chances are you’re about to disappear.

Lava isn’t that hot

Sure, something flowing from the core of the Earth might seem as though it’s a few million degrees, but lava isn’t as hot as you might have once thought. Many disaster movies over the years have depicted lava as this fire-burning, red-hot running juice that will destroy everything in its path. Although it’s probably something you want to avoid, you could be near lava and survive. People can even drive over the stuff and merely risk a few burst tires! If you want to go one step further, you can climb over lava on a ladder and survive, rather than bursting into flames like the films.

You can miss asteroids

Armageddon is the movie where we get to see an asteroid the size of Texas on the way to destroy the planet. Pretty sucky, right? But how could anyone miss an asteroid that 1,600 km across? Well, the asteroid in the movie is actually based on Ceres in real life, which measures at 900 km across. The thing is, we can see this comet with the naked eye, and in reality, it’s much further away from our planet. In Armageddon, there are just 15 telescopes powerful enough to spot the threat. Sure Hollywood, we trust you really…

Glaring mistakes films got wrong about science

Tsunamis don’t behave like that

Sure, tsunamis flying above an entire city, such as in San Andreas, is a massive seller for any Hollywood blockbuster. However, don’t ever expect to see an event like this in real life. No, there are no surfer waves around when a tsunami is concerned. Instead, the water rises as one mass and will travel across the ocean until it hits land. Plus, the tsunami would only be able to go as high as the bay. So there are no chances of the incredible terror we see in San Andreas

We love a good action movie, but sometimes it seems as though these directors throw science to the wind and create whatever looks good for the camera – no matter what the cost. Although these hits might not be scientifically accurate after all, at least we get to see some pretty intense scenes with even better special effects.

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