
Interesting facts about humpback whales

In our world, there are a number of different whales that populate the oceans, with 40,000 of these magnificent creatures being humpback whales. These beautiful animals were once targeted by hunters as their slow movements made them a lot easier to catch, with now only 35% of the original population surviving. Here we can take

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How to grow a snowflake inside a bottle

A white Christmas is certainly the dream, but how often that becomes a reality is largely dependent on where you live. Living somewhere like Minnesota, sure, you have a good chance of snow this Christmas. Florida, on the other hand, not so much. But, don’t worry – there is a way that you can still

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The powerful rains of Titan

There are so many incredible things we are still discovering about the universe and our solar system as a whole. There are an infinite number of potential galaxies and solar systems in space, and we’re still trying to find out about our own. We know the planets that inhabit our solar system, and we know

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Why you can sometimes see the moon during the day

On a clear night, we get to enjoy the wonders of space as we look at the stars and the moon. Then when the day rolls around, we are greeted by the fluffy clouds and the warmth of the sun, but hang on, is that the moon we can see? Where did that come from,

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How bad is sleeping with the TV on?

Lying in bed with the TV on is how many of us like to end our days. It doesn’t help that streaming services make it easier than ever to watch just one more episode of our favorite shows. Often we can find ourselves awake until the small hours of the morning, getting our TV fix

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The science behind zombies: Could it really happen?

Horror icon George Romero is credited with creating the phenomenon that is the zombie. It was his creation that first had a taste for brains and took the form of the dead coming back to life in 1968 movie Night of the Living Dead. From the movie in the ‘60s came a whole wave of

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The dodo and what happened to him

Many people are familiar with the phrase, as dead as a dodo. The phrase is referencing the dodo and the fact that they are now an extinct species of bird. Sadly, it is becoming more and more common for animal species to become extinct thanks to humans destroying the homes of these animals, or hunting

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Practical life lessons from Albert Einstein

Einstein was one of the greatest minds ever to walk the Earth, and his discoveries still influence our lives today. As mysterious as he was enigmatic, Albert Einstein was one of history’s true geniuses – a man who saw the world and the universe in a way very different from anyone else. His way of

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5 hours of sleep – is it enough?

We all need sleep to help us function – it’s essential for giving the body strength and energy, and for helping to keep us mentally alert. As you get older the amount of sleep you can function on decreases, and we find ourselves able to get by on fewer hours than normal. Now, it is

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Everything you wanted to know about J.K. Rowling

Everyone knows who J.K. Rowling is. She is the writer who created Harry Potter and the school of witches and wizards that we all dreamt and wished were real. Although we might already know a great deal about our favorite author, there are some facts and secrets that she has hidden from the world and

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What is infinity?

When Buzz Lightyear cried “To infinity, and beyond” we all applauded. But it seems that nobody had the heart to tell Buzz that the very nature of infinity means it’s impossible to go beyond it! But, what actually is infinity, and how do we define it? This is not a recent question, and it has

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All about the growing popularity of virtual reality

Virtual reality is something that has developed right alongside technology. As we grow more advanced as a society, it becomes necessary to adapt and evolve. There are so many wonderful things that technology has brought us, and computers now pretty much rule the roost. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; for one, it’s made life

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The world of H.P. Lovecraft and his influence

H.P. Lovecraft is one of the enduring horror writers of all time and has had a huge impact on the world of literature and film. Considered one of the greatest writers of his generation, Lovecraft changed the way we view horror as a genre. Never afraid to take risks and experiment in his work, Lovecraft

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New program trains dogs to sniff out art smugglers

Since the dawn of time, dogs have not just been used to cuddle after a long day or used to confess your deepest and darkest secrets to. In fact, dogs have been used within the military, as service dogs, and even as sniffer dogs. Yep, the last time you went to the airport, there’s a

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